First off, thanks for your interest.
I’m Brian and I’ve developed a bit of an addiction over the past few years. It turns out that my constant need for new experiences and adrenaline is uniquely satisfied by the world of off-roading, or often times just referred to as ‘Jeep-ing’.
This is a hobby that has not only quenched my thirst for adventure, but also provided an ever present project to tinker with during the times when I can’t escape reality. This journey of building (modifying) something for a specific purpose with my own two hands, only to reap the benefits by using it for exactly what it was intended, is an arrangement I find extremely rewarding. With this site I hope to share all my experiences with this addiction, and hopefully as the site and content grows you’ll get some benefits from it too, whether that be lessons learned, new places to visit, or just plain entertainment. Regardless of your motives, Thanks for being here!

My Background
Truth be told: I’ve only been in the jeeping/off-roading world since 2014. I’m by no means an expert on any of this. The great thing about the Jeep community is the amount of knowledge and information which gets shared. Everything I know at this point I’ve either learned through online research, from making mistakes myself, or from getting out there and interacting with others in the community.
It all started with a used 2001 Jeep Wrangler (TJ). But after an accident and the discovery of the often dreaded frame rot, I decided it was a better idea to start fresh for a project like this. I ordered a new 2015 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited (JKU) and was off to the races. I started wheeling promptly at 500 mi, and and completed the first modifications before the first oil change. As I delved deeper and deeper down this rabbit hole, it became clear that trailering the jeep was the safer (and more comfortable) plan. We added a 2016 Dynamax DX3 to the fleet which doubles as the tow vehicle and base of operations for all our trips.
My Partner in Crime

While not nearly as enamored with the Jeep lifestyle as me, Lindsay has stood by and supported me all the way. I couldn’t be more grateful to have her along for this crazy ride. While she’ll never admit it publicly, I think she genuinely does enjoy the exploration and travel that comes along with me dragging her all over the country in search of new rocks to climb and trails to explore. Keep her beer cold and the campfire warm and she’s happy as can be. You won’t see her out on the trail often, but every now and then the stars align and she lets me drag her out…for better or worse.
My Support Crew

For the past few years our beagles, Barley and Ranger, have (mostly) happily joined us on our treks across the country. Their beagle noses happy to investigate new surroundings. In all reality, Barley was a large part of the reason we bought the RV. Barley battled back problems, IVDD, most of his life. At the worst, it came to a point where we were vacationing separately for fear of something happening to him if we’d left him. But with the RV we were able to cart him, and his adopted brother Ranger along (mostly) happily.
In 2018, we had to say goodbye to Barley after one of his worst back episodes. What seemed like a curse at the time, turned out to be a blessing because it happened while we were on a trip. While the entire trip got disrupted by this, it ended up we got to spend a solid 2 weeks at his side, before finally saying goodbye when we returned home. Barley was our first dog as a couple and he was always a fun loving goofy dog full of personality and love. Equally as happy to be head down a chipmunk hole as he was cuddled on the couch. He was the greatest first dog and we’re beagle lovers for life because of him.

Ranger is often found in the front seat co-piloting as we head to our next destination. While not the biggest fan of riding in the Jeep, he’s happy to hang with Lindsay wherever we end up parked and explore the surrounding terrain in the time between excursions.